Added Assurance

Protects from the effects of wind driven rain

Actual Assurance on Construction Sites

CavityTherm’s unique engineered profiled facing directs any moisture that might penetrate the external wall down the protective facing and back onto the external leaf, giving added protection from wind driven rain.

1. Engineered HIPS skin redirects moisture back onto external leaf.
2. Engineered jointing on all edges to provide continuity of insulation layer.
3. Preformed slots for wall ties that prevent board creep
4. Flutes to deflect moisture onto outer leaf
5. High performance core – 0.021 W/mk Thermal Conductivity.
6. BBA and NSAI approved
7. Edging sloped towards outer leaf to ensure wall ties sloped down.
8. Raised insulation at junction acts as a barrier against mortar squeeze.

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